Generation is utilizing several methods to generate an actual answer to your questions. We use the power of Generative AI to summarize and recognize some patterns in all data points that we have.
GenAI by itself is a pretty powerful tool that can give you a decent answer. It does have some drawbacks, some of them we try to mitigate in our service:
- Too general advice, not enough specifics
We utilize several technics to find a more niche and more nuanced answer for your business. Most of the time it works great, however there might be few times when you get a very basic answer. Fix it by adding more specific details about your business.
- Copyright issues
Nature of GenAI requires it to be trained on a big set of data. We employ some methods to only provide a unique or openly available data, however it is possible that some data from LLM is added to an answer - for such cases, please refer to OpenAI terms of use and our terms of service.
- Privacy and confidentiality
We use API tier of OpenAI that states that private information is not used to train or otherwise for OpenAI, and is only stored briefly to satisfy regulation rules.
In addition to GenAI, we always securely store your information on our servers, using secure protocols and encoding, where possible.
What is the advantage of is a specialized tool that breaks down a set of complicated topics into an interface that's easy to comprehend. While you can still get some advice from services like ChatGPT, it will likely be more generalized and "simple". You are welcome to try and compare it yourself!